Sunday, April 13, 2008

Miville Photography

Welcome to the Miville Photography Blog. I'd like to thank you for checking out the new blog and hope you come back and keep an eye for updates and new photoshoots that I've done recently. I will try and update it as often as possible and know you will love the new photos that I post.

Make sure you bookmark this site as it will change often with new beautiful photography. Weddings, Portraits and Nature will all make it up here. You can contact me to purchase any of the Nature photography that is put up in a variety of sizes and textures, including canvas wraps and pull outs which look amazing!

Check out my new website at Miville Photography and I'll look forward to getting some comments on this new blog in the future.


Anonymous said...

Blog looks awesome. Thanks for sharing.

Journeyman said...

Very cool!